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The world is changing quickly
The digital technology changes society and our daily lives, including jobs and environments. The key for that change is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Education also transforms its shape and integrated with AI.
Content is also evolving.
Content exists in the forms of books and digital or even integrate. Digital materials complement books, and workbooks complement the digital curriculum. It doesn't matter which one is above the other as long as they increase the efficiency of education. However, in the case of digital education content, the quantity and quality of content data are being differentiated and the form of communication and appearance diversified; the users will determine which one is superior over another.
Technology and education have integrated.
AI is at its core. Although digital education is not universal, you can lose your competitiveness if you ignore the advantages of it. The digital system enables personalized learning by analyzing the data of each student with AI technology. AI tutors will also teach students. The AI tutor will serve as a teacher's loyal assistant and will be friends to students. Now digital has become an integral part of our daily lives like water and air.
The service also approaches users in various appearances.
The integration of technology with digital educational content has enabled a variety of creative learning services beyond our imagination. Educational services such as interactive teaching service, customized service, the world's largest educational multimedia material service, online-offline combination service, and cyber experiment service are being provided.
i-Scream media is the first in the world to challenge, develop, and create all of these and is currently in service.
i-Scream Media is a leading Edtech company in education, technologies, and content for schools (i-Scream S) and home (i-Scream Home-Learn). i-Scream media has built content and platform through 3 million multimedia educational materials such as videos and images, and analyzes 15 million learning data every day to provide the most advanced AI customized service.
i-Scream media becomes a genuine global educational company that the world recognizes its value.